Basic Guide to Vitains and Minerals
This is a great must have resource for educating yourselves and others about vitamins & minerals, their functions, and where they are naturally found in nature.
Use this guide to interpret labels of "vitamins" and learn what …
Summary Report by Dr. Peter Mansfield
Grown By Nature: "21st Century Nutritional Supplements, Supplements that are proven by extensive scientific research to be more effective than anything else available. Supplements proven in a $3,000,000 Lawsuit and using NAS…
Joe A. Vinson PhD, Pratima Bose PhdDepartment of Chemistry, Scranton University, PAPublished: American Journal of Clinical NutritionVol. 48, No. 3 pp 601-604 September 1988,"Comparitive Bioavailability of Ascorbic Acid Aloneor in a Citrus Extract"
Joe A Vinson Ph.D. and Jinhee Jang, M.A.Published: Journal of Medicinal FoodVolume 4, Number 4 2001(C) Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.,"In Vitro and In Vivo Lipoprotein Antioxidant Effect of a Citrus FruitExtract and Ascorbic Acid on normal andhypercholesterolemichuman sub…
Published: Gut 1993, 24, 963-967"Effects of Vitamin Antioxidant Supplementation on Cell Kinetics of Patients with Adenomatous Polyps"R.J Cahill, R.R. O'Sullivan, P.M. Mathias, S. Beattie, H. Hamilton, C. O'MorainDepartment of Gastroenterology, Meath and Adelaide H…
Published: Irish Journal of Medical Science(1993) . 162 No.7. P285"Cell Kinetics of Selenium & Vitamin C in Subjects with Adenomatous Polyps",R.J Cahill, K O'Sullivan, J. Beattie, H.Hamilton, C O'Morain.
European Journal of Cancer Prevention; 1993
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