Vitamin B Complex plus Vitamin C Re-Natured®

Vitamin B Complex plus Vitamin C Re-Natured®

Each member of the B-complex has a unique structure and executes unique functions in the human body. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and biotin participate in different aspects of energy production, vitamin B6 is essential for amino acid metabolism, and vitamin B12 and folate facilitate steps necessary for cell division. Each of these vitamins has many additional functions, no functions require all B-complex vitamins simultaneously.

The vitamin B-complex contains all of the known essential water-soluble B vitamins These include thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin, folate (vitamin B9) and the cobalamins (vitamin B12).Vitamin C which is a water soluble vitamin is also included in the formula.

B vitamins are an important part of the diet and are necessary to help avoid many health problems. B vitamins are essential for growth, development, and a variety of other bodily functions and play a role in many more,

What do B-complex vitamins do?

Vitamin B-complex may contribute to the following functions within the body:

  • Energy Production
  • Healthy Nervous System
  • Promote a Healthy Digestive System
  • Essential for correct RNA and DNA synthesis and cell reproduction

Why might you choose to take vitamin B-complex?

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and other B vitamins have all been shown to play a role in healing wounds
  • May reduce alcohol cravings
  • Help to produce energy from carbohydrates
  • For people who have inadequate absorption of vitamin B12 due to low stomach acid, supplementing with vitamin B complex can help correct a deficiency.
  • Deficiency associated with PMS, so some women may benefit from supplementing with B-complex vitamins for symptom relief.
  • Helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, brain and nerve function.
  • It may help to enhance the immune and nervous system functions.
  • Enhances muscle tone, promotes cell growth and division and assists with the release of energy from food

Why choose Grown By Nature's Re-Natured® Vitamin B-complex?

Grown By Nature's Re-Natured® Vitamin B Complex Plus Vitamin C contains all the essential B vitamins and also includes several para-B vitamins.

Futhermore the following nutrients are all contained within the Grown By Nature's Re-Natured® Vitamin B Complex Plus Vitamin C supplement:

  • Choline serves as a co-enzyme in the metabolism of the B vitamins.
  • Inositol is closely involved with B6, (pyridoxine), B9 (folate), B5 (pantothenic acid) and PABA, Para-Aminobenzoic Acid. Inositol is also associated with the metabolic pathways of these B vitamins.
  • Vitamin C is also included in the Grown By Nature Vitamin B Complex formula because it is a nutrient and it also helps to prevent the oxidation of the following B vitamins, B1, B2 and B5.
  • Magnesium is included in the formula as it works synergistically with the B vitamins to support the nervous system
  • Contains all eight of the recognised B Vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12, plus Vitamin C The presence of the Vitamin C in this supplement also aids the absorption of the B vitamins without reducing our body's own vitamin C reserves.

Furthermore, the Grown By Nature's Re-Natured® Vitamin B-complex provides nutrients in a Re-Natured®, which means they will be presented to your body in the same food as they are in food. Re-Natured® nutrients have been tested in independent laboratories who found they are:

  • Significantly better absorbed, longer retained and better used than standard chemical supplements
  • Do not need to be taken with food as they contain all of the necessary food factors needed for absorption
  • Nourish whichever part of the body they are needed
  • Have no known allergic reactions
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians

**The potency of the B vitamins are in line with the recommended RDA

Each tablet provides on average (Nutrient | Per Tablet | %RDA):

  • Vitamin C | 60.0 mg | 75
  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1) | 1.4 mg | 127
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) | 1.6 mg | 114
  • Niacin (as Niacinamide) | 18.0 mg NE** | 112
  • Vitamin B6 | 2.0 mg | 143
  • Folate B9 | 200.0 μg | 100
  • Vitamin B12 | 1.0 μg | 40
  • Biotin | 50.0 μg | 100
  • Pantothenic acid | 6.0 mg | 100
  • Magnesium | 30.0 mg | 8
  • Inositol | 25.0 mg | *
  • Choline | 25.0 mg | *
  • Para-amino-benzoic acid | 25.0 mg | *
  • Bioflavonoids | 3 mg | *

Recommended Intake: One tablet daily as a food supplement or as directed by a practitioner

Allergy concerns: No known allergic reactions to ingredients in this formula

Grown By Nature Guarantees: FREE FROM yeast; wheat; starch; gluten; soy; added sugars; colourings; flavourings and preservatives.


  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)- may aid in:Carbohydrate metabolism, appetite maintenance, nerve function, growth & muscle tone.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - may aid in:Carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, needed for cell respiration & mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6- may aid in:Carbohydrate & protein metabolism, formation of antibodies, red blood cells & nerve function.
  • Vitamin B12- may aid in:Carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism, maintains nervous system & blood cell formation.
  • Vitamin C- may aid in: Wound healing, strengthening blood vessels, collagen maintenance, resistance to infection & providing healthy gums.
60 ct.

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